Today people are sending samples in for a dog poo DNA test. Normally people seeking to do this test do it because they have found an unwelcome dog’s poo where it should not be and thus, in an attempt to find the dog’s owner, they send in samples of the dog stool in order to be able to able to find the culprit responsible for the mess- yes it is the dog, but ultimately, a dog’s owner is responsible for cleaning up after their pet.

Walking in dog poo is indeed unpleasant as is finding dog poo in public and private spaces. In many cities, dog waste has become a real issue. People are often indifferent or too lazy to clean up after their dogs; they wait for the dog to poop and then just walk away from it.

Having a dog DNA stool test means authorities can clamp down on these inconsiderate individuals. Taking full responsibility of your dog is mandatory to any dog owner and not doing so is highly irresponsible. DNA testing has really started to take on new dimensions and unimagined uses- a dog stool DNA test can accurately link the DNA in a stool back to its dog and if the dog is registered as belonging to an owner- back to its owner. The testing of dog poo requires forensic analysis which could be quite expensive. Ideally, fresh stools would need to be sent for analysis as old stools might provide inconclusive results. Some states and governments have already introduced databases within which they have the DNA profiles of all dogs. If a dog stool is found in a public space, a sample of it is taken and the DNA in it compared against the profiles of thousands of dogs in the database. A match  means you have found the dog and its irresponsible owner.

Some labs have even gone as far as to develop a specific test that links the DNA in the poo back to its owner. If the government has a database with the entire dog’s DNA of a given area, town or city then catching these felons will not be hard. The poo can be collected with a swab and placed in a suitable container which can be provided by the lab that will do the testing.

The dog poo DNA test can help solve many issues but of course, some argue about the issues: if dog owners do not pick up their dog poo, would a random passerby?